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Joseph F-Ammirati
Joseph F Ammirati
Professor Emeritus
203 HCK
(206) 543-1986
Not accepting graduate students
Fields of interest
Fungus systematics and ecology with emphasis on mushrooms and related fungi. Our studies range from taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of genera to species diversity and richness in forest, alpine and arctic ecosytems. We examine species distributions over broad geographical ranges and across plant communities, and evaluate the temporal and spatial patterns of species in a variety of habitats. A main focus has been ectomycorrhizal fungi, especially agarics, for example, the large mushroom genus Cortinarius, in conifer forests of the Pacific Northwest. We work to better define species concepts in these fungi and to solve patterns of distribution and speciation in relation to vegetation, host specificity and edaphic factors, such as soil pH.
Cortinarius boulderensis,
Ammirati, J. F.
, Omphalina, Volume 11, (2015)
A new species of Lactarius sect. Deliciosi (Russulales, Basidiomycota) from western North America,
Nuytinck, J., and Ammirati J. F.
, Botany, 2014, Volume 92, Issue 10, (2014)
The largest type study of Agaricales species to date: bringing identification and nomenclature of Phlegmacium (Cortinarius, Agaricales) into the DNA era,
Liimatainen, K., Niskanen T., Dima B., Kytövuori I., Ammirati J., and Frøslev TG
, Persoonia, Volume 32, (2014)
Cortinarius hesleri from eastern North America and related species from Europe and western North America,
Ammirati, J. F., Liimatainen K., Niskanen T., Hughes KW, and Matheny PB
, Botany, Volume 91, p.91-98, (2013)
Cortinarius section Sanguinei in North America,
Niskanen, T., Liimatainen K., Ammirati J. F., and Hughes K.
, Mycologia, 2013, Volume 105, p.344-356, (2013)
Five new Telamonia species (Cortinarius, Agaricales) from western North America,
Niskanen, T., Liimatainen K., and Ammirati J. F.
, Botany, 2013, Volume 91, p.478-485, (2013)
Nomenclatural Novelties,
J, Ammirati, M Berbee, Harrower E., K Liimatainen, and T Niskanen
, Index Fungorum, Volume 93, (2013)