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Jennifer L.-Ruesink
The lab emphasizes field experimental approaches to test responses and feedbacks between organisms and their environment, primarily in estuarine soft sediment systems. Current areas of research include controls of life history and morphological traits in eelgrass, community structure in oyster and eelgrass habitats, restoration strategies for native oysters, environmental impacts of shellfish aquaculture, and recruitment variability and phenology under climate warming.
2012-present Full Professor, biology, University of Washington
Adjunct, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
2005-2012 Associate Professor, biology, University of Washington
2008 Fulbright Fellow, Namibia
1999-2005 Assistant Professor, biology, University of Washington
1996-1999 Post-doctoral fellow, University of British Columbia
PhD 1996 Zoology, University of Washington
MPhil 1990 Botany, Cambridge University
BA 1989 Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University