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Claudia E.-Mills

I work year-round off-campus at the UW Friday Harbor Laboratories, where I have spent more than 40 years studying many aspects of the biology of the exceptional and easily accessible marine gelatinous zooplankton fauna. I have also frequently done collaborative fieldwork elsewhere, studying both oceanic and nearshore faunas, and deep sea as well as shallow-living forms, moving toward a global sense of the biology, ecology, and biodiversity of (especially) medusae and ctenophores. I work primarily at the population and individual levels, but also at the ecosystem level including analysis of large and small-scale macroplankton community structure (relying on submersible or ROV observations). See my website at
Some educational landmarks:
Miscellaneous courses at University of Washington 1966-1977
B.A. Biology, Colorado College 1972
Summer classes at Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California 1971, 1972
Summer classes at Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington 1974, 1976
Limnology lab and field assistant for W.T. Edmondson, UW Zoology 1974, 1976-77
M.S. Zoology, Florida State University 1976, Richard N. Mariscal, advisor
Ph.D. Biology, University of Victoria (Canada) 1982, George O. Mackie, advisor
Miscellaneous courses taken at Skagit Valley College (in Friday Harbor) 1986-present
Flute 1960- ; oboe 1994- ; marimba 2003-
I have been resident at the University of Washington's Friday Harbor Laboratories since 1978, but was a visiting post-doc or researcher for several-month stints in New Zealand, at the Station Zoologique in Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, at the Station Biologique in Roscoff, France, and at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution in Florida. I have typically gone to sea on about one oceanographic cruise per year and feel extremely fortunate to have had many opportunities to observe and contemplate the open ocean and deep-sea up-close, in situ, on numerous dives in manned submersibles and using state-of-the-art ROVs (Remote Operating Vehicles).
Please note: Dr. Mills is not eligible to take graduate students.