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Jennifer Nemhauser in The Washington Post on mentor Joanne Chory & fight against climate change
Jeff Riffell & David Perkel awarded research grants from Human Frontier Science Program
TED-Ed Video on hummingbirds by Kristiina Hurme, Alejandro Rico-Guevara, & Alyssa Sargent
UW Biology Seminar: Matthias Garten
To survive in its organelle-free host cell, the malaria parasite installs transport pathways for proteins, nutrients and lipids. All transport from and to the host cytoplasm takes place across the parasitophorous vacuole, the parasite’s interface with the red blood cell. I aim to understand the mechanisms that allow the interface to function to reveal drug targets,
Evolution in the Age of Us: Mechanisms of adaptation to a human-modified world
Understanding the proximate (physiological/developmental) and ultimate (evolutionary) mechanisms that drive adaptive responses to human-altered environments is among the most pressing concerns of contemporary organismal biology and conservation. Human modifications to the natural world present extreme and novel environments for many species around the globe, and offer unique opportunities to study the process of evolution in real-time.
Horacio de la Iglesia & Leandro Casiraghi's research on moon phases affecting sleep in UW News
Tom Daniel featured in the "Behind the Tech" podcast with Kevin Scott
Sam Wasser & Deborah Giles featured in CNN on Conservations Canines program
Tom Daniel among team of researchers awarded the Collaborative Science Award by the American Heart Association