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Marine Biology
PhD Defense - Will King
Getting a Head with Ptychodera flava Larval Regeneration
Submitted by Billie J-Swalla on
Phosphorylation of Protein Kinase C-Related Kinase PRK2 during Meiotic Maturation of Starfish Oocytes
Submitted by Merrill B.-Hille on
Protein Kinase C-Related Kinase 2 Phosphorylates the Protein Synthesis Initiation Factor eIF4E in Starfish Oocytes
Submitted by Merrill B.-Hille on
Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) expression and phosphorylation in sea urchin embryos
Submitted by Merrill B.-Hille on
Individual marking of soft-bodied subtidal invertebrates in situ – A novel staining technique applied to the giant plumose anemone Metridium farcimen (Tilesius, 1809)
Submitted by Christopher-Wells on
Report on the 2013 rapid assessment survey of marine species at New England bays and harbors
Submitted by Christopher-Wells on
The failed introduction of the sea anemone *Sagartia elegans* in Salem Harbor, Massachusetts
Submitted by Christopher-Wells on
Biology Seminar: Postdoc Symposium
Name: Sebastian Kruppert
Lab: Adam Summers