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Marine Biology

Protein Kinase C-Related Kinase 2 Phosphorylates the Protein Synthesis Initiation Factor eIF4E in Starfish Oocytes

Lee S-J, Stapleton G, Greene JH, Hille MB.  2000.  Protein Kinase C-Related Kinase 2 Phosphorylates the Protein Synthesis Initiation Factor eIF4E in Starfish Oocytes. Developmental Biology. 228(2):166-180.

Individual marking of soft-bodied subtidal invertebrates in situ – A novel staining technique applied to the giant plumose anemone Metridium farcimen (Tilesius, 1809)

Wells CD, Sebens KP.  2017.  Individual marking of soft-bodied subtidal invertebrates in situ – A novel staining technique applied to the giant plumose anemone Metridium farcimen (Tilesius, 1809). PLoS ONE. 12(11):e0188263.

Report on the 2013 rapid assessment survey of marine species at New England bays and harbors

Wells CD, Pappal AL, Cao Y, Carlton JT, Currimjee Z, Dijkstra JA, Edquist SK, Gittenberger A, Goodnight SW, Grady SP et al..  2014.  Report on the 2013 rapid assessment survey of marine species at New England bays and harbors. :32.


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