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Marine Biology

Is being spineless really a bad thing? The physiology of aquatic invertebrates in challenging and changing environment

Osmoregulation and ion regulation are essential features for normal physiological functions in animals. Using integrative approaches to describe coordinated cellular and organ-level mechanisms with physiological traits, my research broadly examines fundamental features that allow invertebrate animals to adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions. My talk will focus on work examining the interplay of anthropogenic disturbances and ion regulation in two different arthropod groups, amphipods and mosquitoes.

Long duration advertisement calls of nesting male plainfin midshipman fish are honest indicators of size and condition

Balebail S., Sisneros JA.  2022.  Long duration advertisement calls of nesting male plainfin midshipman fish are honest indicators of size and condition. Journal of Experimental Biology.

#Mollusk Monday: developing new tools and model organisms for biological research using mollusks

Molluscs are familiar invertebrates, from the humble garden slug, to the colorful shells picked up on the beach, to the mercurial shell-less octopus. Being one of the largest, most diverse, and beautiful groups of marine animals, molluscs have been cultivated by humans for centuries for the valuable materials they make (think pearls) and for the nutritious food they provide (menu items such as pulpo, escargot, moules).


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