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Daniel Promislow featured in Discover Magazine on Dog Aging Project
New research led by Z Yan Wang finds changes in cholesterol production leads to octopus death
Biology Postdoc Seminar: Alison Weber, Nathan Belliveau & Christopher Schilling
Sensing in Flight: Neural encoding and wing structure interact to shape sensory information
By: Dr. Alison Weber (Daniel & Brunton Lab)
A race to identify the genes that support neutrophil cell migration
By: Dr. Nathan Belliveau (Theriot Lab)
Disentangling mechanisms of Miocene vegetation change
By: Dr. Christopher Schiller (Stromberg Lab)
HHMI Gilliam Seminar Series: Assessment of viral influence on plant root colonization by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria
Beneficial members of the plant microbiome can increase nutrient availability for their hosts, protect their hosts against pathogens, and enhance host resilience against abiotic stress. While previous and ongoing studies of the rhizosphere microbiome have been critical for assessing the impact of specific plant-microbe interactions, their focus has overwhelmingly targeted bacterial and fungal members of the microbiome. Viruses are ubiquitous, outnumbering all other biological entities on the planet, yet they are remarkably understudied in the rhizosphere.
Carl Bergstrom in Science Magazine on his efforts for countering misinformation
Prof. Emeritus John Wingfield awarded 2022 Loye & Alden Miller Research Award by the American Ornithological Society
Aubrey Gorbman Endowed Lecture: Mechanistic Flexibility Shapes Behavioral Evolution
Genetic, developmental, and physiological mechanisms all impact evolutionary trajectories and hence may shape responses to selection. We examined the extent to which genetic and neural mechanisms limit behavioral evolution in guppies by leveraging the parallel evolutionary transitions in Trinidadian guppies. Much prior work has characterized the parallel changes in a suite of social and antipredator behaviors that follow independent colonization of low-predation sites by guppies originally from high-predation localities.
A Simple Twist of Fate: Genetic Analysis of Neural Crest Cell Fate Determination
Single cell approaches are causing biologists to re-evaluate classical ideas of cell types and how they arise during embryonic development. One population of particular interest is the neural crest, because it migrates throughout the body to give rise to a huge variety of derivatives such as peripheral neurons, pigment cells and bones of the skull. How do such migratory cells navigate through ever-changing environments yet reliably acquire these diverse fates? Our single cell transcriptomic studies in zebrafish suggest that they do so through a series of lineage bifurcations.
Leaders from Biology Endowed Lecture: Mapping the neural circuits that control precision timing in behavior
Timing is crucial to the nervous system; the ability to rapidly detect and process subtle disturbances in the environment determines whether an animal can attain its next meal or successfully navigate complex, unpredictable terrain.