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Briana Abrahms interviewed in UW News on climate change increasing human-wildlife conflict
Carl Bergstrom interviewed on Seattle's Morning News with Dave Ross on the spread of misinformation on Facebook
Carl Bergstrom interviewed in Vox on why biologists are warning that social media is a risk to humanity
Alejandro Rico-Guevara interviewed in Every Little Thing podcast & new paper published in Science
Biology Grad Seminar: Alex Neitz
Daniel Promislow featured in Knowable Magazine on studying aging in animals
COVID-19 modeling tool by Carl Bergstrom & Ryan McGee featured in Slate article
Jeff Riffell & David Perkel awarded research grants from Human Frontier Science Program
Biology Grad Student Seminar: Joshua Swore & Jackson Tonnies
Gap Junctions in the Freshwater Cnidarian Hydra vulgaris
By: Joshua Swore (Bosma Lab)
Exploring light responsive enhancers in plants
By: Jackson Tonnies (Queitsch Lab)