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Fields of interest
Evaluation of the "amount effect" at speleothem sites in the Asian monsoon region, Lee, Jung-Eun, and Swann Abigail L. , IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 9, Number 1, p.012023, (2010)
Interplay between Foxd3 and Mitf regulates cell fate plasticity in the zebrafish neural crest., Curran, Kevin, Lister James A., Kunkel Gary R., Prendergast Andrew, Parichy David M., and Raible David W. , Developmental biology, 2010 Aug 1, Volume 344, Issue 1, p.107-18, (2010)
Effects of double bands on Magellanic Penguins, Boersma, Dee P., and Rebstock Ginger A. , 2010, Volume 81, Issue 2, p. - -205, (2010)
Dysregulation of cell-to-cell connectivity and stomatal patterning by loss-of-function mutation in Arabidopsis chorus (glucan synthase-like 8)., Guseman, Jessica M., Lee Jin Suk, Bogenschutz Naomi L., Peterson Kylee M., Virata Rebecca E., Xie Bo, Kanaoka Masahiro M., Hong Zonglie, and Torii Keiko U. , Development (Cambridge, England), 2010 May, Volume 137, Issue 10, p.1731-41, (2010)
How to improve the use of metrics: Learn from Game Theory, West, J. D. , 2010, Volume 465, p. - 872, (2010)
The effects of tooth extraction on alveolar bone biomechanics in the miniature pig, Sus scrofA, Yeh, K., Popowics T., Rafferty K., Herring S., and Egbert M. , Arch Oral Biol, 2010, Volume 55, p.663-669, (2010)
Feather-loos Disorder in African and Magellanic Penguins, Kane, O. J., Smith J. R., Boersma P. D., Parsons N. J., Strauss V., Garcia-Borboroglu P., and Villanueva C. , Waterbirds, Volume 33, Issue 3, (2010)
Visual Control of Altitude in Flying Drosophila, Straw, A. D., Lee S., and Dickinson M. H. , Current Biology, 2010, Volume 20, Issue 17, p.1550-1556, (2010)
First report of Phoronis ovalis from Africa and its effect on mussel hosts, Ruesink, J. L., and Trimble A. C. , African Journal of Marine Science, 2010, Volume 32, Issue 1, p.109-114, (2010)
New latest Cretaceous mammals from northeastern Colorado with biochronologic and biogeographic implications, Wilson, Gregory P., Dechesne Marieke, and Anderson Ingrid R. , Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2010, Volume 30, Issue 2, p.499-520, (2010)
RecA maintains the integrity of chloroplast DNA molecules in Arabidopsis., Rowan, Beth A., Oldenburg Delene J., and Bendich Arnold J. , 2010, Volume 61, Issue 10, p. - -2588, (2010)
Formins in development: orchestrating body plan origami, Liu, R., Linardopoulou E. V., Osborn G. E., and Parkhurst S. M. , Biochim Biophys Acta, 2010, Volume 1803, Issue 2, p.207-25, (2010)
Can molecular systematics provide insights into aspects of the reproductive biology of Trachymene Rudge (Araliaceae)?, Henwood, Murray J., Lu-Irving Patricia, and Perkins Andrew J. , Plant Diversity and Evolution, Volume 128, Issue 1-2, p.85-110, (2010)
F-box proteins FKF1 and LKP2 act in concert with ZEITLUPE to control Arabidopsis clock progression, Baudry, A., Ito S., Song Y. H., Strait A. A., Kiba T., Lu S., Henriques R., Pruneda-Paz J. L., Chua N. H., Tobin E. M., et al. , Plant Cell, 2010, Volume 22, Issue 3, p.606-22, (2010)
Cebus apella: Variation of the activity budget in relation to the availability of fruits and arthropods. In Spanish, Gómez-Posada, C. , Biological Station Mosiro Itajura-Caparú: Biodiversity in the Yaigojé-Apaporis Territory, Bogota, p.179-185, (2009)
Differing consequences of removing ecosystem-modifying invaders: significance of impact and community context to restoration potential., Hacker, S. D., and Dethier M. N. , Biological Invasions in Marine Ecosystems. Ecological Studies, Volume 204, (2009)
A Mid-Cretaceous angiosperm-dominated macroflora from the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah; implications for diversity and climate, Harris, Elisha B., and Arens Nan Crystal , 9th North American Paleontological Convention, 2009, Cincinnati, OH, United States, (2009)
Millisecond timescale disinhibition mediates fast information transmission through an avian basal ganglia loop, Leblois, A., Bodor A. L., Person A. L., and Perkel D. J. , J Neurosci, 2009, Volume 29, Issue 49, p.15420-33, (2009)
Sympatric Alouatta seniculus and Cebus capucinus in an Andean forest fragment in Colombia: a survey of population density, Roncancio, N., and Gomez-Posada C. , Neotropical Primates, 12/2009, Volume 16, Issue 2, p.51-56, (2009)
