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Fields of interest
Asymmetrically dividing Drosophila neuroblasts utilize two spatially and temporally independent cytokinesis pathways., Roth, Michaela, Roubinet Chantal, Iffländer Niklas, Ferrand Alexia, and Cabernard Clemens , Nature communications, 2015, Volume 6, p.6551, (2015)
New tangles in the auxin signaling web., Wright, Clay R., and Nemhauser Jennifer L. , F1000prime reports, 2015, Volume 7, p.19, (2015)
Untitled, Bothwell, M. A., Stilwell Geoffrey E., and Weller John , (2015)
Fertile waters for aging research., Wang, Adrienne M., Promislow Daniel E. L., and Kaeberlein Matt , Cell, 2015 Feb 26, Volume 160, Issue 5, p.814-5, (2015)
Undergraduate Leech laboratory protocol. (In prep), Hass, C., and Kennedy ML , (2015)
Cortinarius boulderensis, Ammirati, J. F. , Omphalina, Volume 11, (2015)
Penguins As Marine Sentinels: Building Science and Education Partnerships, Boersam, Dee P. , Penguin Conservation, Volume 19:2, Number, p.published Penguin TAG newsletter, (2015)
Through the End of the Cretaceous in the Type Locality of the Hell Creek Formation in Montana and Adjacent Areas, Wilson, Gregory P., Clemens William A., Horner John R., and Hartman Joseph H. , Volume 503, (2014)
Berman's Wolves, S.B., Gretchen , Berman's Wolves, Volume 1, Seattle, p.252, (2014)
Hollownton Homicide, S.B., Gretchen , Anthony Hollownton Series, Volume 1, Seattle, p.234, (2014)
Genomic and Evolutionary Insights into Chordate Origins., Lutrell, S. M., and Swalla B. J. , Principles of Developmental Genetics, San Diego, p.116-126, (2014)
The Vasa Park flora, King County, Washington, USA – a window into the late Miocene of the Pacific Northwest, Dillhoff, R. M., Dillhoff T. A., Jijina A. P., and Strömberg C. A. E. , Paleobotany and Biogrography, A Festschrift for Alan Graham in His 80th Year, St. Louis, Missouri, p.64-97, (2014)
Chapter 6: Physiological adaptation of plants to serpentine soil, Palm, E., and Van Volkenburgh E. , Plant Ecology and Evolution in Harsh Environments, (2014)
Mechanisms of Circadian Systems in Animals and Their Clinical RelevanceIntroduction to Circadian Rhythms, Clocks, and Its Genes, de la Iglesia, Horacio O., Lee Michael L., and Aguilar-Roblero Raúl , Cham, p.1 - 12, (2014)
Networks in the Biology of Aging, McCormick, M., and Promislow D. E. L. , Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 34, (2014)
Permian and Triassic dicynodont (Therapsida: Anomodontia) faunas of the Luangwa Basin, Zambia: taxonomic update and implications for dicynodont biogeography and biostratigraphy., Angielczyk, K. D., Steyer J. - S., Sidor C. A., Smith R. M. H., Whatley R. L., and Tolan S. , Early evolutionary history of the Synapsida., New York, p.93-138, (2014)
Degrading detritus: changes in food quality of aging kelp tissues varies with species, Dethier, M. N., Brown AS, Burgess S., Eisenlord ME, Galloway A. W. E., Kimber J., Lowe A. T., O'neil CM, Raymond WW, Sosik E. A., et al. , Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2014, Volume 460, p.72-79, (2014)
A new species of Lactarius sect. Deliciosi (Russulales, Basidiomycota) from western North America, Nuytinck, J., and Ammirati J. F. , Botany, 2014, Volume 92, Issue 10, (2014)
Plain faces are more expressive: comparative study of facial colour, mobility and musculature in primates, Santana, S. E., Dobson S. D., and Diogo R. , Biology Letters, 05/2014, Volume 102702642791392153048319579024401138656598397, Issue 5Suppl_2173633311416756112853, p.20140275 - 20140275, (2014)
Gelsemiaceae (Gentianales) expanded to include the enigmatic Asian genus Pteleocarpa. , Struwe, L., Soza V. L., Manickam S., and Olmstead R. G. , Bot. J. Linnean Soc., 2014, Volume 175, p.482-496, (2014)
