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Asymmetrically dividing Drosophila neuroblasts utilize two spatially and temporally independent cytokinesis pathways.,
, Nature communications, 2015, Volume 6, p.6551, (2015)
New tangles in the auxin signaling web.,
, F1000prime reports, 2015, Volume 7, p.19, (2015)
, (2015)
Fertile waters for aging research.,
, Cell, 2015 Feb 26, Volume 160, Issue 5, p.814-5, (2015)
Cortinarius boulderensis,
, Omphalina, Volume 11, (2015)
Penguins As Marine Sentinels: Building Science and Education Partnerships,
, Penguin Conservation, Volume 19:2, Number, p.published Penguin TAG newsletter, (2015)
Berman's Wolves,
, Berman's Wolves, Volume 1, Seattle, p.252, (2014)
Hollownton Homicide,
, Anthony Hollownton Series, Volume 1, Seattle, p.234, (2014)
Genomic and Evolutionary Insights into Chordate Origins.,
, Principles of Developmental Genetics, San Diego, p.116-126, (2014)
The Vasa Park flora, King County, Washington, USA – a window into the late Miocene of the Pacific Northwest,
, Paleobotany and Biogrography, A Festschrift for Alan Graham in His 80th Year, St. Louis, Missouri, p.64-97, (2014)
Chapter 6: Physiological adaptation of plants to serpentine soil,
, Plant Ecology and Evolution in Harsh Environments, (2014)
Networks in the Biology of Aging,
, Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 34, (2014)
Permian and Triassic dicynodont (Therapsida: Anomodontia) faunas of the Luangwa Basin, Zambia: taxonomic update and implications for dicynodont biogeography and biostratigraphy.,
, Early evolutionary history of the Synapsida., New York, p.93-138, (2014)
Degrading detritus: changes in food quality of aging kelp tissues varies with species,
, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2014, Volume 460, p.72-79, (2014)
A new species of Lactarius sect. Deliciosi (Russulales, Basidiomycota) from western North America,
, Botany, 2014, Volume 92, Issue 10, (2014)
Plain faces are more expressive: comparative study of facial colour, mobility and musculature in primates,
, Biology Letters, 05/2014, Volume 102702642791392153048319579024401138656598397, Issue 5Suppl_2173633311416756112853, p.20140275 - 20140275, (2014)
Gelsemiaceae (Gentianales) expanded to include the enigmatic Asian genus Pteleocarpa. ,
, Bot. J. Linnean Soc., 2014, Volume 175, p.482-496, (2014)