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Catalysis of the microtubule on-rate is the major parameter regulating the depolymerase activity of MCAK., Cooper, Jeremy R., Wagenbach Michael, Asbury Charles L., and Wordeman Linda , Nature structural & molecular biology, 2010 Jan, Volume 17, Issue 1, p.77-82, (2010)
Defective adult oligodendrocyte and Schwann cell development, pigment pattern, and craniofacial morphology in puma mutant zebrafish having an alpha tubulin mutation., Larson, Tracy A., Gordon Tiffany N., Lau Hiu E., and Parichy David M. , Developmental biology, 2010 Oct 15, Volume 346, Issue 2, p.296-309, (2010)
Multiple Effects of Silymarin on the Hepatitis C Virus Lifecycle, Wagoner, J., Negash A., Kane O. J., Martinez L. E., Nahmias Y., Bourne N., Owen D. M., Grove J., Brimacombe C., McKeating J. A., et al. , Hepatology, Volume 51, Issue 6, (2010)
Virus induced gene silencing as a tool for comparative functional studies in Thalictrum, Di Stilio, Veronica*, Kumar RA, Oddone AM, Tolkin TR, Salles P., and McCarty K. , PLoS ONE, 2010, Volume 5, Issue 8, p.e12064. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012064, (2010)
Ethylene-induced hyponastic growth in Arabidopsis thaliana is controlled by ERECTA, van Zanten, M., Basten Snoek L., van Eck-Stouten E., Proveniers M. C., Torii K. U., Voesenek L. A., Peeters A. J., and Millenaar F. F. , Plant J, 2010, Volume 61, Issue 1, p.83-95, (2010)
Niche conservatism as an emerging principle in ecology and conservation biology., Wiens, John J., Ackerly David D., Allen Andrew P., Anacker Brian L., Buckley Lauren B., Cornell Howard V., Damschen Ellen I., Jonathan Davies T., Grytnes John-Arvid, Harrison Susan P., et al. , Ecology letters, 2010 Oct, Volume 13, Issue 10, p.1310-24, (2010)
Evidence for Adaptive Evolution at the Divergence Between Lymphoid and Brain HIV-1 nef Genes, Olivieri, Kevin C., Agopian Kristin A., Mukerji Joya, and Gabuzda Dana , AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 2010/04/01, Volume 26, Issue 4, p. - 500, (2010)
New specimen reveals deltatheroidan affinities of the North American Late Cretaceous mammal Nanocuris, Wilson, Gregory P., and Riedel Jeremy A. , Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2010, Volume 30, Issue 3, p.872-884, (2010)
Vertical distribution and diel patterns of zooplankton abundance and biomass at Conch Reef, Florida Keys (USA), Heidelberg, K. B., O'Neil K. L., Bythell J. C., and Sebens K. P. , Journal of Plankton Research, 2010, Volume 32, Issue 1, p.75-91, (2010)
Lizard community structure along environmental gradients., Buckley, Lauren B., and Jetz Walter , The Journal of animal ecology, 2010 Mar, Volume 79, Issue 2, p.358-65, (2010)
The buccinator during mastication: a functional and anatomical evaluation in minipigs, Dutra, E. H., Caria P. H. F., Rafferty K. L., and Herring S. W. , Arch Oral Biol, 2010, Volume 55, p.627-638, (2010)
The Triassic dicynodont Kombuisia (Synapsida, Anomodontia) from Antarctica, a refuge from the terrestrial Permo-Triassic mass extinction, Frobisch, J., Angielczyk K. D., and Sidor C. A. , Naturwissenschaften, 2010, Volume 97, p.187-196, (2010)
Antioxidant effects of betulin on porcine chondrocyte behavior in gelatin/C6S/C4S/HA modified tricopolymer scaffold, Lin, Wen-Yang, Lin Feng-Huei, Sadhasivam S., and Savitha S. , Materials Science and Engineering: C, 5/2010, Volume 30, Issue 4, p.597 - 604, (2010)
Status of the red howler monkeys population in the Barbas Canyon, Montane Fragment, Central Mountains, Colombia. In Spanish, Londono, J., and Gomez-Posada C. , Acta Biologica Colombiana, Volume 15, Issue 1, p.25-36, (2010)
Population density and group composition of three red howler monkey populations, in Valle and Cauca, Colombia. In Spanish, Gómez-Posada, C., Roncancio N., P Hincapié, and Betancourt A. , Boletín Científico del Centro de Museos, Universidad de Caldas, Volume 14, Issue 1, p.79-91, (2010)
Long astral microtubules uncouple mitotic spindles from the cytokinetic furrow., Rankin, Kathleen E., and Wordeman Linda , The Journal of cell biology, 2010 Jul 12, Volume 190, Issue 1, p.35-43, (2010)
The Origins of C-4 Grasslands: Integrating Evolutionary and Ecosystem Science, Edwards, E. J., Osborne C. P., Strömberg C. A. E., Smith S. A., and Consortium Grasses C. 4 , Science, 2010, Volume 328, Issue 5978, p.587-591, (2010)
The effects of tooth extraction on alveolar bone biomechanics in the miniature pig, Sus scrofA, Yeh, K., Popowics T., Rafferty K., Herring S., and Egbert M. , Arch Oral Biol, 2010, Volume 55, p.663-669, (2010)
Changes in Arctic vegetation amplify high-latitude warming through the greenhouse effect, Swann, A. L., Fung I. Y., Levis S., Bonan G. B., and Doney S. C. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 107, Number 4, 2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20418 USA, p.1295-1300, (2010)
Interplay between Foxd3 and Mitf regulates cell fate plasticity in the zebrafish neural crest., Curran, Kevin, Lister James A., Kunkel Gary R., Prendergast Andrew, Parichy David M., and Raible David W. , Developmental biology, 2010 Aug 1, Volume 344, Issue 1, p.107-18, (2010)
