Quasi-static Eocene-Oligocene climate in Patagonia promotes slow faunal evolution and mid-Cenozoic global cooling,
Kohn, M. J., Strömberg C. A. E., Madden R. H., Dunn R. E., Evans S., Palacios A., and Carlini A. A.
, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, (Submitted)
The complete mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes of a novel haptophyte, Chrysochromulina tobin, reveal unique repeat architectures, and evolutionary signatures,
Hovde, B., Starkenburg S., Hunsperger H., Mercer L., Deodato C., Jha R., Cheretkov O., Monnat R., and Cattolico R. A.
, submitted:BMC Genomics, (Submitted)
Reconstruction of the recent ethnological and environmental history of the mountainous area of the Catalan Coast (Iberian Peninsula), using macro- and micro-contents from ovicaprine animal dung,
Panades i Blas, X., Bartolomé i Filella J., Strömberg C. A. E., Soriano i Tomàs I., Buckland P., Serieyssol K. K., Bach i Plaza J., Arillo Aranda A., Lozar F., Stevenson T., et al.
, Environmental Archaeology, (Submitted)
Large contribution of forests to carbon sink through continental silicate weathering,
Song, Z., Liu H., Strömberg C. A. E., Wang H., Strong P. J., Li B., and Xu C.
, Environmental Science & Technology, (Submitted)