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Arabidopsis circadian clock and photoperiodism: time to think about location

TitleArabidopsis circadian clock and photoperiodism: time to think about location
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsImaizumi T
JournalCurr Opin Plant Biol
Date Published2010
ISBN Number1879-0356 (Electronic)1369-5266 (Linking)
Keywords*Circadian Rhythm, *Photoperiod, Arabidopsis Proteins/genetics/*metabolism, Arabidopsis/genetics/*growth & development/metabolism, DNA-Binding Proteins/genetics/*metabolism, Flowers/growth & development, Gene Expression Regulation, Plant, Transcription Factors/genetics/*metabolism

<p>Plants possess a circadian clock that enables them to coordinate internal biological events with external daily changes. Recent studies in Arabidopsis revealed that tissue-specific clock components exist and that the clock network architecture also varies within different organs. These findings indicate that the makeup of circadian clock(s) within a plant is quite variable. Plants utilize the circadian clock to measure day-length changes for regulating seasonal responses, such as flowering. To ensure that flowering occurs under optimum conditions, the clock regulates diurnal CONSTANS (CO) expression. Subsequently, CO protein induces FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) expression which leads to flowering. It is emerging that both CO and FT expression are intricately controlled by groups of transcription factors with overlapping functions.</p>