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Rotation Curve Fitting Model

TitleRotation Curve Fitting Model
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsCisneros SN, Ott R, Crowley M, Roberts A, Paz M, Brown Z, Joyal L, Rico RR, Gutierrez-Gutierrez E, Pham P, Holland Z, Livingston A, Castrellon L, Graham S, Rubin SJ, Ashleya A, Battaglia D, Lopez D, Salwa M

One key piece of evidence for dark matter is the flat rotation curve problem: the disagreement between measured galactic rotation curves and their luminous mass. A novel solution to this problem is presented here. A model of relativistic frame effects on Doppler shifts due to the slightly curved frames of an emitting galaxy and the Milky Way is derived. This model predicts observed Doppler shifted spectra (in excess of the luminous mass) based only on the observed luminous matter profile and one free model parameter. Fits to the 175 galaxies reported in the SPARC database of galactic rotation profiles and accurate photometry measurements are compared between this novel model and dark matter and MOND (RAR) models. We find on the SPARC sample of 175 galaxies; that MOND-RAR has an average reduced chisquare of χ2r=4.22 for 175 galaxies fitted, the isothermal dark matter model has χ2r=1.90 for 165 galaxies fitted, and the new model we present has χ2r=2.39 for 172 galaxies fitted. Implications of this model are discussed.