Thomas Daniel
Professor Emeritus
341 LSB
(206) 543-1659
Not accepting graduate students
Fields of interest
Research in our lab focuses on the control and dynamics of movement, from molecular and cellular levels of organization to the dynamics and neural control of moving animals. We use a combination of approaches including computational methods, imaging techniques (from high speed video of flying insects to X-ray diffraction of muscle proteins) and experimental approaches such as biomechanical and electrophysiological techniques.
Tom’s research and teaching melds neuroscience, engineering, computing, and biomechanics to understand the control and dynamics of movement in biology. He was trained in Biology at Duke and Engineering at Caltech. He has been on the faculty in the Biology (previously Zoology) of the University of Washington since 1984 and was its founding chair. He was MacArthur Fellow, a Guggenheim, AAAS Fellow and a recipient of the UW Distinguished Teaching Award and the UW Graduate Mentor Award. He a member of the Washington Academy of Sciences and serves on the Federal Advisory Committee for the NSF Bio Directorate, the Board of Directors for Allen Institute and the Paul G Allen Family Foundation, and he is the US representative for the Council of Scientists for the Human Frontiers of Science Program.