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Published: 11/17/2017

Caroline Stromberg, Estella B. Leopold Professor in Biology and Curator of Paleobotany at the Burke Museum of Natural History, co-authors a technical comment Science Magazine. The group used data from...Read more

Published: 11/09/2017

Spatio-temporally separated cortical flows and spindle geometry establish physical asymmetry in fly neural stem cells

Asymmetric cell division, creating sibling cells with distinct developmental potentials, can be manifested...Read more

Published: 11/07/2017

Central to the field of ecology is the mantra that species do not exist in isolation: They assemble in communities — and within these communities, species interact. Predators hunt prey....Read more

Published: 10/18/2017

[From the Columbia Journalism Review, written by Michael Rosenwald]

A basic understanding of where news comes from is back on the syllabus as students navigate an increasingly...Read more

Published: 10/11/2017

ARLINGTON, Virginia -- The Air Force Office of Scientific Research today announced it will award approximately $19.1 million in grants to 43 scientists and engineers from 37 research institutions and small...Read more

Published: 10/05/2017

Biology postdoc in the Riffell lab, Gabby Wolffe, is first author a high-impact paper in eLIFE that describes how insect-like brains are found in marine crustaceans. 

Mantis shrimp have a...Read more

Published: 10/03/2017

On Sunday night, a shooter opened fire on concertgoers 32 floors below a Mandalay Bay Resort hotel room in Las Vegas. Authorities say Stephen Paddock ...Read more

Published: 10/02/2017

Writing in 1916, conservationist John Muir noted that "there is not a 'fragment' in all nature, for every relative fragment of one thing is a full harmonious unit in itself." A century...Read more

Published: 09/29/2017

Every face does not tell a story; it tells thousands of them. Over evolutionary time, the human brain has become an exceptional reader of the human face—computerlike, we like to think....Read more

Published: 09/25/2017

It has become an almost essential element of academic life, from college lecture halls to elementary classrooms: the group assignment.

Dreaded by some, loved by others, group projects typically aim...Read more
