The Daily published an article on the return of some UW classes to in-person instruction. UW Biology class "BIOL 446: Plant Classification and Identification" is one of these courses. Below are some of the images featured in the article.
Teaching assistant (TA) Ana Maria Bedoya demonstrates how she displays images from the microscopes to the projection screens in both lab rooms. Due to COVID-19 safety concerns, the TAs and students can no longer share microscopes, leaving the TAs to come up with creative solutions to see each student's slides on May 5, 2021.
Rachel Wang looks at a plant sample under her microscope. Wang's microscope eyepiece is covered in saran wrap to prevent potential COVID-19 transmission.
Limited amounts of students are allowed in labs, and everyone must be spaced apart from each other.
Fans in the window are part of the ventilation system in place to protect students and TAs from COVID-19 transmission.
Read the full article in The Daily.