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Integrating genomic data into predictions of climate change adaptation

Rachael Bay
University of California, Davis | Postdoc, Department of Evolution and Ecology
Seminar date:
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 - 12:00
HCK 132

From agriculture to urbanization to invasive species, humans have created novel evolutionary challenges for organisms across the globe. Perhaps one of the most widespread of these challenges is climate change, which pushes organisms past their physiological limits and can result in population decline or local extinction. With the increasing ease of genome sequencing in natural populations, genetic variation associated with climate has been uncovered in a wide variety of systems. Although this genetic variation represents the raw material needed for organisms to adapt to ongoing climate change, we know little about the relative rates and limits of adaptation. In this talk, Rachael will present frameworks for using population genomics to predict evolutionary responses to climate change, focusing on two very different taxa – migratory birds and reef-building corals. She will also discuss how evolutionary predictions can be synthesized to inform conservation plans.

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