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Recommended tools

The four tools we recommend are Canvas, Panopto, Zoom, and PollEverywhere. Your course will probably use a subset of these.

  • Canvas: Use this to host your course website, upload files for students, maintain a gradebook, give quizzes and exams, and store course information like your syllabus.

  • Zoom: For streaming of video to allow in-class interaction, Zoom Meetings will be our tool. Zoom will let you talk to students, present slides or other files, manage smaller break-out rooms, and take questions. For large courses, the department will buy any large-size licenses needed. There is also in-Zoom polling, although this has not been tested thoroughly. Zoom also allows for videorecording and closed captioning which will be important for many of our courses.

  • PollEverywhere (PollEv): For in-class polling for students, PollEv will continue to be our preferred tool. While PollEv allows for a wide range of question types, the large majority of existing departmental use is in simple multiple-choice question format. All student internet-capable devices work on PollEv, and virtually all of them will have previous experience with it.

  • Panopto: Use this to create pre-recorded videos for students to watch. These can be created on your own computer or (in some cases) in the actual classroom. Panopto is good for simple videos displaying a slide deck.

    • Note that Panopto has a "live recording" feature, but that this feature requires a 10-minute delay and is not actually live or usable with live polling.

    • A smaller group of people might find Loom to be a useful entryway into Panopto. Loom is a video recording tool ideal for pre-recording lectures or tutorials (not for live-streaming lectures). It allows you to easily share and draw on your desktop/powerpoint, keep your face visible to students, pause and edit recordings, and share the recording via a restricted link. The Pro version is free to educators and students. Feel free to contact Hannah Jordt at with questions.

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Friday, April 10, 2020 - 13:05
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