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FERPA compliance and recordings

FERPA compliance and recordings:

If you plan to record your class sessions, be sure to include this statement from the UW Privacy Office in your syllabus:

This course is scheduled to run synchronously at your scheduled class time via Zoom. These Zoom class sessions will be recorded. The recording will capture the presenter’s audio, video and computer screen. Student audio and video will be recorded if they share their computer audio and video during the recorded session. The recordings will only be accessible to students enrolled in the course to review materials. These recordings will not be shared with or accessible to the public.

The University and Zoom have FERPA-compliant agreements in place to protect the security and privacy of UW Zoom accounts. Students who do not wish to be recorded should:

Change their Zoom screen name to hide any personal identifying information such as their name or UW Net ID, and
Not share their computer audio or video during their Zoom sessions."

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Friday, April 10, 2020 - 13:09
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