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Plant Biology
Biology Grad Student Seminar: Romi Ramos & Mo Turner
Using auxinic herbicides to probe the evolution of flowering plants
By: Romi Ramos (Nemhauser Lab)
Fractal Skeletons: Measuring sea star body complexity using micro-CT scans
By: Mo Turner (Ruesink Lab)
Biology Grad Student Seminar: Ellie Labuz & Kavya Pradhan
Moving in tight spaces: how migrating skin cells respond to confinement
By: Ellie Labuz (Theriot Lab)
Exploring the (over- and under-) story of montane plants communities in the Pacific Northwest over the last 4 decades
By: Kavya Pradhan (Hille Ris Lambers Lab)
Biology Grad Student Seminar: Alex Lowe & Sage Malingen
Plant community and climatic response to middle Miocene environmental change in the Pacific Northwest
By: Alex Lowe (Strömberg Lab)
The in vivo motion of muscle’s molecular machinery
By: Sage Malingen (Daniel Lab)
Early snowmelt and warmer, drier summers shrink post‐flowering transition times in subalpine wildflowers
Submitted by Meera Lee-Sethi on
Abigail Swann named AMS Walter Orr Roberts Lecturer
A synthetic approach allows rapid characterization of the maize nuclear auxin response circuit
Submitted by Román-Ramos Báez on
Janneke Hille Ris Lambers in UW News on climate change at Mt. Rainier
An ontogenetic framework for functional studies in the model fern Ceratopteris richardii
Submitted by Verónica-Di Stilio on
Pattern and process in the evolution of the sole dioecious member of Brassicaceae
Submitted by Valerie-Soza on