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Fields of interest
Mussel attachment on rocky shores: the effect of flow on byssus, Carrington, Emily , Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2008, Volume 48, Issue 6, p.801-807, (2008)
CUL1 regulates TOC1 protein stability in the Arabidopsis circadian clock, Harmon, F., Imaizumi T., and Gray W. M. , Plant J, 2008, Volume 55, Issue 4, p.568-79, (2008)
Latitudinal variation in subspecific diversification of birds., Martin, Paul R., and Tewksbury Joshua J. , Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, 2008 Nov, Volume 62, Issue 11, p.2775-88, (2008)
Putting the heat on tropical animals, Tewksbury, J. J., Huey R. B., and Deutsch C. A. , Science, 2008, Volume 320, p.1296-1297, (2008)
A simple vision-based algorithm for decision making in flying Drosophila, Maimon, G., Straw A. D., and Dickinson M. H. , Current Biology, 2008, Volume 18, Issue 6, p.464-470, (2008)
Modulation of CaV2.1 channels by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II bound to the C-terminal domain., Jiang, Xin, Lautermilch Nathan J., Watari Hirofumi, Westenbroek Ruth E., Scheuer Todd, and Catterall William A. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008 Jan 8, Volume 105, Issue 1, p.341-6, (2008)
Plasticity of the song control system in adult birds, Brenowitz, E. A. , Neuroscience of birdsong, 2008, Cambridge, p.332-349, (2008)
Two boys with fragile X syndrome and hepatic tumors, Wirojanan, J., Kraff J., Hawkins D. S., Laird C., Gane L. W., Angkustsiri K., Tassone F., and Hagerman R. J. , Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology, 2008, Volume 30, Issue 3, p.239-241, (2008)
Man is but a worm: chordate origins, Brown, F. D., Prendergast A., and Swalla B. J. , Genesis, 2008, Volume 46, Issue 11, p.605-13, (2008)
Key to the polypoid stages of Hydrozoa, Marques, A. C., Migotto A. E., Calder D. R., and Mills C. E. , Light and Smith’s Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast. Fourth Edition (J.T. Carlton, editor), Berkeley, p.118-137and151-168, (2007)
Algal crusts and lichens; Monitoring: Techniques, Dethier, M. N. , Encyclopedia of Tidepools and Rocky Shores, (2007)
Hydromedusae, Mills, C. E., and Rees J. T. , Light and Smith’s Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast. Fourth Edition (J.T. Carlton, editor), Berkeley, p.137-168, (2007)
Ctenophores, Mills, C. E., and Haddock S. H. D. , Light and Smith’s Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast. Fourth Edition (J.T. Carlton, editor), Berkeley, p.189-199, (2007)
Stauromedusae, Mills, C. E., and Hirano Y. M. , Encyclopedia of Tidepools and Rocky Shores (M.W. Denny and S.D. Gaines, editors), Berkeley, p.539-541, (2007)
Scyphozoa: Scyphomedusae, Stauromedusae, and Cubomedusae, Mills, C. E., and Larson R. J. , Light and Smith’s Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast. Fourth Edition (J.T. Carlton, editor), Berkeley, p.168-173, (2007)
Deconstructing evolution of adult phenotypes: genetic analyses of kit reveal homology and evolutionary novelty during adult pigment pattern development of Danio fishes., Mills, Margaret G., Nuckels Richard J., and Parichy David M. , Development, 2007 Mar, Volume 134, Issue 6, p.1081-90, (2007)
Density, habitat use and ranging patterns of red howler monkey in Andean forest, Gomez-Posada, C., Martinez J., Giraldo P., and Kattan G. , Neotropical Primates, 01/2007, Volume 14, Issue 1, p.2-10, (2007)
A Myc-Groucho complex integrates EGF and Notch signaling to regulate neural development, Orian, A., Delrow J. J., Rosales Nieves A. E., Abed M., Metzger D., Paroush Z., Eisenman R. N., and Parkhurst S. M. , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2007, Volume 104, Issue 40, p.15771-6, (2007)
Molecular evolution of Drosophila Cdc6, an essential DNA replication-licensing gene, suggests an adaptive choice of replication origins, Wiggins, Benjamin L., and Malik Harmit S. , Fly, 2007/06/, Volume 1, Issue 3, p. - 163, (2007)
Steroid hormones act transsynaptically within the forebrain to regulate neuronal phenotype and song stereotypy, Meitzen, J., Moore I. T., Lent K., Brenowitz E. A., and Perkel D. J. , J Neurosci, 2007, Volume 27, Issue 44, p.12045-57, (2007)
