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Fields of interest
Evolution of active and passive forms of plasticity: Insights from artificially selected Arabidopsis, Kurashige, Nile , Evolutionary ecology research, 10/2007, (2007)
Zebrafish in the wild: a review of natural history and new notes from the field., Engeszer, Raymond E., Patterson Larissa B., Rao Andrew A., and Parichy David M. , Zebrafish, 2007 Spring, Volume 4, Issue 1, p.21-40, (2007)
Late Cretaceous sudamericid gondwanatherian mammals from India with paleobiogeographic considerations of Gondwanan mammals, Wilson, G. P., Das Sarma D. C., and Anantharaman S. , Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2007, Volume 27, Issue 2, p.521-531, (2007)
Ecological selection against hybrids in natural populations of sympatric threespine sticklebacks, Gow, J. L., Peichel C. L., and Taylor E. B. , Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2007 Nov, Volume 20, Issue 6, p.2173-80, (2007)
Polycomb genes interact with the tumor suppressor genes hippo and warts in the maintenance of Drosophila sensory neuron dendrites., Parrish, Jay Z., Emoto Kazuo, Jan Lily Yeh, and Jan Yuh Nung , Genes & development, 2007 Apr 15, Volume 21, Issue 8, p.956-72, (2007)
FKF1 and GIGANTEA complex formation is required for day-length measurement in Arabidopsis, Sawa, M., Nusinow D. A., Kay S. A., and Imaizumi T. , Science, 2007, Volume 318, Issue 5848, p.261-5, (2007)
Environmental and historical constraints on global patterns of amphibian richness., Buckley, Lauren B., and Jetz Walter , Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society, 2007 May 7, Volume 274, Issue 1614, p.1167-73, (2007)
Limits to convergence of vegetation during early primary succession, del Moral, R. , 2007, Volume 18, Issue 4, p. - -488, (2007)
Resource use and seed dispersal by red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) in Andean forest, Giraldo, P., Gomez-Posada C., Martinez J., and Kattan G. , Neotropical Primates, 08/2007, Volume 14, Issue 2, p.55-65, (2007)
Sexual dimorphism in the external morphology of the threespine stickleback, Kitano, Jun, Mori Seiichi, and Peichel Catherine L. , Copeia, Volume 2007, Issue 2, p.336-349, (2007)
The Hsp90 capacitor, developmental remodeling, and evolution: the robustness of gene networks and the curious evolvability of metamorphosis., Rutherford, Suzannah, Hirate Yoshikazu, and Swalla Billie J. , Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology, 2007 Sep-Oct, Volume 42, Issue 5, p.355-72, (2007)
Army ants in four forests: geographic variation in raid rates and species composition, O'Donnell, Sean, Lattke John, Powell Scott, and Kaspari Michael , 2007, Volume 76, Issue 3, p. - -589, (2007)
Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis, Bemis, S. M., and Torii K. U. , Dev Biol, 2007, Volume 304, Issue 1, p.367-81, (2007)
Importance of eelgrass early life history stages in response to oyster aquaculture disturbance, Wisehart, L. M., Dumbauld B. R., Ruesink J. L., and Hacker S. D. , Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 2007, Volume 344, p.71-80, (2007)
Haploinsufficiency after successive loss of signaling reveals a role for ERECTA-family genes in Arabidopsis ovule development, Pillitteri, L. J., Bemis S. M., Shpak E. D., and Torii K. U. , Development, 2007, Volume 134, Issue 17, p.3099-109, (2007)
Monitoring Rocky Shores, Murray, S. N., Ambrose R. F., and Dethier M. N. , (2006)
Biology and conservation status. In Spanish, Gómez-Posada, C. , Conservation strategy of the red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) in the SIRAP-Coffee region and the Cauca valley, Bogota, p.13-40, (2006)
Proton pumping in the bc1 complex: a new gating mechanism that prevents short circuits., Crofts, Antony R., Lhee Sangmoon, Crofts Stephanie B., Cheng Jerry, and Rose Stuart , Biochimica et biophysica acta, 2006 Aug, Volume 1757, Issue 8, p.1019-34, (2006)
Physiological properties of zebra finch ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra pars compacta neurons, Gale, S. D., and Perkel D. J. , J Neurophysiol, 2006, Volume 96, Issue 5, p.2295-306, (2006)
Changes in productivity associated with four introduced species: ecosystem transformation of a 'pristine' estuary, Ruesink, J. L., Feist B. E., Harvey C. J., Hong J. S., Trimble A. C., and Wisehart L. M. , Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 2006, Volume 311, p.203-215, (2006)
