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Fields of interest
An actin cytoskeleton with evolutionarily conserved functions in the absence of canonical actin-binding proteins., Paredez, Alexander R., Assaf Zoe June, Sept David, Timofejeva Ljudmilla, Dawson Scott C., Wang Chung-Ju Rachel, and Cande W. Z. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011 Apr 12, Volume 108, Issue 15, p.6151-6, (2011)
Degringolade, a SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase, inhibits Hairy/Groucho-mediated repression., Abed, Mona, Barry Kevin C., Kenyagin Dorit, Koltun Bella, Phippen Taryn M., Delrow Jeffrey J., Parkhurst Susan M., and Orian Amir , The EMBO journal, 2011 Apr 6, Volume 30, Issue 7, p.1289-301, (2011)
Evolution of grasses and grassland ecosystems, Strömberg, C. A. E. , Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Volume 39, p.517-544, (2011)
The Neogene transition from C3 to C4 grasslands in North America: Stable carbon isotope ratios of fossil phytoliths, McInerney, F. A., Strömberg C. A. E., and White J. W. C. , Paleobiology, 2011, Volume 37, p.23-49, (2011)
Effects of provenance, lifespan, and phylogeny on grass species' responses to nitrogen and phosphorus, Seabloom, E. W., Benfield C. D., Borer E. T., Stanley A. G., Kaye T. N., and Dunwiddie P. W. , Ecological Applications, Volume 21, (2011)
Multiple developmental processes underlie sex differentiation in angiosperms., Diggle, Pamela K., Di Stilio Verónica S., Gschwend Andrea R., Golenberg Edward M., Moore Richard C., Russell John R. W., and Sinclair Jordan P. , Trends in genetics : TIG, 2011 Sep, Volume 27, Issue 9, p.368-76, (2011)
The pace of shifting climate in marine and terrestrial ecosystems., Burrows, Michael T., Schoeman David S., Buckley Lauren B., Moore Pippa, Poloczanska Elvira S., Brander Keith M., Brown Chris, Bruno John F., Duarte Carlos M., Halpern Benjamin S., et al. , Science (New York, N.Y.), 2011 Nov 4, Volume 334, Issue 6056, p.652-5, (2011)
Cell division orientation in animals., Gillies, Taryn E., and Cabernard Clemens , Current biology : CB, 2011 Aug 9, Volume 21, Issue 15, p.R599-609, (2011)
Global diversity of Ascidiacea., Shenkar, Noa, and Swalla Billie J. , PloS one, 2011, Volume 6, Issue 6, p.e20657, (2011)
Phylogenetic relationships of the mockingbirds and thrashers (Aves: Mimidae)., Lovette, Irby J., Arbogast Brian S., Curry Robert L., Zink Robert M., Botero Carlos A., Sullivan John P., Talaba Amanda L., Harris Rebecca B., Rubenstein Dustin R., Ricklefs Robert E., et al. , Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 2011 Aug 17, (2011)
Fire history of a Douglas-fir - Oregon white oak woodland, Waldron Island, Washington, Sprenger, C., and Dunwiddie P. W. , Northwest Science, Volume 85, (2011)
Novel methods for discriminating behavioral differences between stickleback individuals and populations in a laboratory shoaling assay, Wark, Abigail R., Wark Barry J., Lageson Tessa J., and Peichel Catherine L. , Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Volume 65, Issue 5, p.1147-1157, (2011)
The accuracy of species tree estimation under simulation: a comparison of methods., Leaché, Adam D., and Rannala Bruce , Systematic biology, 2011 Mar, Volume 60, Issue 2, p.126-37, (2011)
On Becoming a Better Scientist, Huey, Raymond B. , Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution, 01/2011, Volume 57, Issue 4, p.293 - 307, (2011)
Multiple treatment combinations and seed addition increase abundance and diversity of native plants in Pacific Northwest prairies, Stanley, A. G., Kaye T. N., and Dunwiddie P. W. , Ecological Restoration, Volume 29, (2011)
Nmnat exerts neuroprotective effects in dendrites and axons., Wen, Yuhui, Parrish Jay Z., He Ruina, Zhai Grace R., and Kim Michael D. , Molecular and cellular neurosciences, 2011 Sep, Volume 48, Issue 1, p.1-8, (2011)
The presence of multiple introns is essential for ERECTA expression in Arabidopsis., Karve, Rucha, Liu Wusheng, Willet Spencer G., Torii Keiko U., and Shpak Elena D. , RNA , 2011 Oct, Volume 17, Issue 10, p.1907-21, (2011)
Biomechanics: Swimming in the Sahara, Crofts, S. B., and Summers A. P. , Nature, 04/2011, Volume 472, Issue 178, (2011)
The ELF4-ELF3-LUX complex links the circadian clock to diurnal control of hypocotyl growth., Nusinow, Dmitri A., Helfer Anne, Hamilton Elizabeth E., King Jasmine J., Imaizumi Takato, Schultz Thomas F., Farré Eva M., and Kay Steve A. , Nature, 2011 Jul 21, Volume 475, Issue 7356, p.398-402, (2011)
Species' traits predict phenological responses to climate change in butterflies., Diamond, Sarah E., Frame Alicia M., Martin Ryan A., and Buckley Lauren B. , Ecology, 2011 May, Volume 92, Issue 5, p.1005-12, (2011)
