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Fields of interest
Plasticity of the song control system in adult birds, Brenowitz, E. A. , Neuroscience of birdsong, 2008, Cambridge, p.332-349, (2008)
Man is but a worm: chordate origins, Brown, F. D., Prendergast A., and Swalla B. J. , Genesis, 2008, Volume 46, Issue 11, p.605-13, (2008)
Scyphozoa: Scyphomedusae, Stauromedusae, and Cubomedusae, Mills, C. E., and Larson R. J. , Light and Smith’s Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast. Fourth Edition (J.T. Carlton, editor), Berkeley, p.168-173, (2007)
Key to the polypoid stages of Hydrozoa, Marques, A. C., Migotto A. E., Calder D. R., and Mills C. E. , Light and Smith’s Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast. Fourth Edition (J.T. Carlton, editor), Berkeley, p.118-137and151-168, (2007)
Algal crusts and lichens; Monitoring: Techniques, Dethier, M. N. , Encyclopedia of Tidepools and Rocky Shores, (2007)
Hydromedusae, Mills, C. E., and Rees J. T. , Light and Smith’s Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast. Fourth Edition (J.T. Carlton, editor), Berkeley, p.137-168, (2007)
Ctenophores, Mills, C. E., and Haddock S. H. D. , Light and Smith’s Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast. Fourth Edition (J.T. Carlton, editor), Berkeley, p.189-199, (2007)
Stauromedusae, Mills, C. E., and Hirano Y. M. , Encyclopedia of Tidepools and Rocky Shores (M.W. Denny and S.D. Gaines, editors), Berkeley, p.539-541, (2007)
Local diurnal upwelling driven by sea breezes in northern Monterey Bay, Woodson, C. B., Eerkes-Medrano D. I., Flores-Morales A., Foley M. M., Henkel S. K., Hessing-Lewis M., Jacinto D., Needles L., Nishizaki M. T., O'Leary J., et al. , Continental Shelf Research, 2007, Volume 27, Issue 18, p.2289-2302, (2007)
Just add water and the Colorado River still reaches the sea., Glenn, Edward P., Flessa Karl W., Cohen Michael J., Nagler Pamela L., Rowell Kirsten, and Zamora-Arroyo Francisco , Environmental management, 2007 Jul, Volume 40, Issue 1, p.1-6, (2007)
Encoding PCR products with batch-stamps and barcodes, McCloskey, M. L., Stoger R., Hansen R. S., and Laird C. D. , Biochemical Genetics, 2007, Volume 45, Issue 11-12, p.761-767, (2007)
Timing and plasticity of shoaling behaviour in the zebrafish, Danio rerio, Engeszer, Raymond E., Barbiano Laura Alberici DA, Ryan Michael J., and Parichy David M. , Animal Behaviour, 2007 Nov, Volume 74, Issue 5, p.1269-1275, (2007)
Pallidal neuron activity increases during sensory relay through thalamus in a songbird circuit essential for learning, Person, A. L., and Perkel D. J. , J Neurosci, 2007, Volume 27, Issue 32, p.8687-98, (2007)
PRR3 Is a vascular regulator of TOC1 stability in the Arabidopsis circadian clock, Para, A., Farre E. M., Imaizumi T., Pruneda-Paz J. L., Harmon F. G., and Kay S. A. , Plant Cell, 2007, Volume 19, Issue 11, p.3462-73, (2007)
Human subtelomeric WASH genes encode a new subclass of the WASP family, Linardopoulou, E. V., Parghi S. S., Friedman C., Osborn G. E., Parkhurst S. M., and Trask B. J. , PLoS Genet, 2007, Volume 3, Issue 12, p.e237, (2007)
Invasive species as a new food source: does a nudibranch predator prefer eating an invasive bryozoan?, Squirrell, Jayne M., Pratt Marney C., Sweedler Jonathan V., and Grason Emily W. , Biological Invasions, 2007, Volume 9, Issue 6, p.645 - 655, (2007)
Phenotypic divergence and reproductive isolation between sympatric forms of Japanese threespine sticklebacks, Kitano, Jun, Mori Seiichi, and Peichel Catherine L. , Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 91, p.671-685, (2007)
