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Fields of interest
Comparing the influence of native and invasive intraguild predators on a rare native oyster, Grason, Emily W., and Buhle Eric R. , Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Jan-06-2016, Volume 479, p.1 - 8, (2016)
A Recommendation System Based on Hierarchical Clustering of an Article-Level Citation Network, West, Jevin D., Wesley-Smith Ian, and Bergstrom Carl T. , IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 01/2016, Volume 2, Issue 2, p.113 - 123, (2016)
Postglacial vegetation history of Orcas Island, northwestern Washington, Leopold, E.B., Dunwiddie P.W., Whitlock C., Nickmann R., and Watts W.A. , Quaternary Research, Volume 85, (2016)
Emergence of a Homo sapiens-specific gene family and chromosome 16p11.2 CNV susceptibility, Nuttle, Xander, Giannuzzi Giuliana, Duyzend Michael H., Schraiber Joshua G., Narvaiza ñigo, Sudmant Peter H., Penn Osnat, Chiatante Giorgia, Malig Maika, Huddleston John, et al. , Nature, Mar-08-2016, Volume 5361885053383581724413494784415263305135143241981826352501503478731074515128324137104913494992394668, Issue 7615, p.205 - 209, (2016)
Bombus impatiens(Hymenoptera: Apidae) display reduced pollen foraging behavior when marked with bee tags vs. paint, Switzer, Callin M., and Combes Stacey A. , Journal of Melittology, Volume 62, (2016)
Drought stress limits the geographic ranges of two tree species via different physiological mechanisms, Anderegg, Leander D. L., and HilleRisLambers Janneke , Global Change Biology, Jan-03-2016, Volume 22, Issue 3, p.1029 - 1045, (2016)
Disentangling Random Motion and Flow in a Complex Medium, Koslover, Elena F., Chan Caleb K., and Theriot Julie A. , Biophysical Journal, Volume 110, Issue 3, p.700 - 709, (2016)
Publication bias and the canonization of false facts, Nissen, Silas Boye, Magidson Tali, Gross Kevin, and Bergstrom Carl T. , Elife, Volume 5, p.e21451, (2016)
Extreme Postnatal Scaling in Bat Feeding Performance: A View of Ecomorphology from Ontogenetic and Macroevolutionary Perspectives, Santana, Sharlene E., and Miller Kimberly E. , Integrative and Comparative Biology, p.icw075, (2016)
As above, so below: Auxin's role in lateral organ development., Bowerman, Bruce, Boutros Michael, and Zhang Yang , Dev Biol, 2016 Mar 17, (2016)
Depression and anxiety: maladaptive byproducts of adaptive mechanisms, Bergstrom, Carl T., and Meacham Frazer , Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, Mar-08-2016, Volume 2016, Issue 1, p.214 - 218, (2016)
A Bigger Picture: Organismal Function at the Nexus of Development, Ecology, and Evolution: An Introduction to the Symposium, Gignac, P. M., and Santana S. E. , Integrative and Comparative Biology, Jun-09-2017, Volume 56, Issue 3, p.369 - 372, (2016)
Temperature extremes: geographic patterns, recent changes, and implications for organismal vulnerabilities, Buckley, Lauren B., and Huey Raymond B. , Global Change Biology, 05/2016, (2016)
Plant synthetic biology for molecular engineering of signalling and development, Nemhauser, Jennifer L., and Torii Keiko U. , Nature Plants, Feb-03-2016, Volume 2, Issue 3, p.16010, (2016)
Shoreline Armoring in an Inland Sea: Science-Based Recommendations for Policy Implementation, Dethier, Megan N., Toft Jason D., and Shipman Hugh , Conservation Letters, Jan-11-2016, (2016)
A highly immunogenic vaccine against A/H7N9 influenza virus., W, Cao*, JS Liepkalns*, AO Hassan, RP Kamal, AR Hofstetter, S Amoah, JH Kim, AJ Reber, J Stevens, JM Katz, et al. , Vaccine, Volume 34, Issue 6, (2016)
Males Under-Estimate Academic Performance of Their Female Peers in Undergraduate Biology Classrooms, Grunspan, Daniel Z., Eddy Sarah L., Brownell Sara E., Wiggins Benjamin L., Crowe Alison J., and Goodreau Steven M. , PLOS ONE, 2016/02/10, Volume 11, Issue 2, p. - , (2016)
Identification and Validation of Small- Gatekeeper Kinases as Drug Targets in Giardia lamblia, Hennessey, Kelly M. , PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11/2016, Volume 10, Issue 11, (2016)
