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Fields of interest
A transient cell cycle shift in Drosophila imaginal disc cells precedes multipotency., Sustar, Anne, and Schubiger Gerold , Cell, 2005 Feb 11, Volume 120, Issue 3, p.383-93, (2005)
The consequences of scale: assessing the distribution of benthic populations in a complex estuarine fjord., Dethier, M. N., and Schoch G. C. , Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Volume 62, (2005)
Floral MADS box genes and homeotic gender dimorphism in Thalictrum dioicum (Ranunculaceae) - a new model for the study of dioecy, Di Stilio, Veronica*, Kramer E. M., and Baum D. A. , Plant Journal, 2005, Volume 41, Issue 5, p.755-766, (2005)
Regulation of cellular plasticity in Drosophila imaginal disc cells by the Polycomb group, trithorax group and lama genes, Klebes, A., Sustar A., Kechris K., Li H., Schubiger G., and Kornberg T. B. , Development, 2005, Volume 132, Issue 16, p.3753-65 %8 Aug %! Regulation of cellular plasticity in Drosophila imaginal disc cells by the Polycomb group, trithorax group and, (2005)
Dinosaur coprolites and the early evolution of grasses and grazers, Prasad, V., Strömberg C. A. E., Alimohammadian H., and Sahni A. , Science, 2005, Volume 310, p.1177-1180, (2005)
Phenotypic plasticity to light competition and herbivory in Chenopodium album (Chenopodiaceae), Kurashige, Nile , American Journal of Botany, 01/2005, (2005)
Unitary IPSPs drive precise thalamic spiking in a circuit required for learning, Person, A. L., and Perkel D. J. , Neuron, 2005, Volume 46, Issue 1, p.129-40, (2005)
A transient cell cycle shift in Drosophila imaginal disc cells precedes multipotency., Sustar, Anne, and Schubiger Gerold , Cell, 2005 Feb 11, Volume 120, Issue 3, p.383-93, (2005)
Fishing for the secrets of vertebrate evolution in threespine sticklebacks, Peichel, Catherine L. , Developmental Dynamics, 2005 Dec, Volume 234, Issue 4, p.815-23, (2005)
Interaction of auxin and ERECTA in elaborating Arabidopsis inflorescence architecture revealed by the activation tagging of a new member of the YUCCA family putative flavin monooxygenases, Woodward, C., Bemis S. M., Hill E. J., Sawa S., Koshiba T., and Torii K. U. , Plant Physiol, 2005, Volume 139, Issue 1, p.192-203, (2005)
A transient cell cycle shift in Drosophila imaginal disc cells precedes multipotency, Sustar, A., and Schubiger G. , Cell, 2005, Volume 120, Issue 3, p.383-93 %8 Feb %! A transient cell cycle shift in Drosophila imaginal disc cells precedes multipotency. %@ 0092-8674, (2005)
Impact of supply-side ecology on consumer-mediated coexistence: Evidence from a meta-analysis, Moore, J. W., Ruesink J. L., and McDonald K. A. , American Naturalist, 2004, Volume 163, Issue 3, p.480-487, (2004)
Hairy transcriptional repression targets and cofactor recruitment in Drosophila, Bianchi-Frias, D., Orian A., Delrow J. J., Vazquez J., Rosales-Nieves A. E., and Parkhurst S. M. , PLoS Biol, 2004, Volume 2, Issue 7, p.E178, (2004)
Toward a comprehensive genetic analysis of male fertility in Drosophila melanogaster., Wakimoto, Barbara T., Lindsley Dan L., and Herrera Cheryl , 2004, Volume 167, Issue 1, p. - -216, (2004)
Interdependency of brassinosteroid and auxin signaling in Arabidopsis, Nemhauser, J. L., Mockler T. C., and Chory J. , PLoS Biol, 2004, Volume 2, Issue 9, p.E258, (2004)
Biodiversity conservation: effects of changes in climate and land use., Buckley, Lauren B., and Roughgarden Joan , Nature, 2004 Jul 1, Volume 430, Issue 6995, p.2 p following 33; discussion following 33, (2004)
The genetic architecture of parallel armor plate reduction in threespine sticklebacks, Colosimo, Pamela F., Peichel Catherine L., Nereng Kirsten, Blackman Benjamin K., Shapiro Michael D., Schluter Dolph, and Kingsley David M. , PLoS Biology, 2004 May, Volume 2, Issue 5, p.E109, (2004)
Parallels between tissue repair and embryo morphogenesis, Martin, P., and Parkhurst S. M. , Development, 2004, Volume 131, Issue 13, p.3021-34, (2004)
Patterns of Gene Duplication and Functional Evolution During the Diversification of the AGAMOUS subfamily of MADS Box Genes in Angiosperms, Kramer, E. M., Jaramillo M. A., and Di Stilio Veronica* , Genetics, 2004, Volume 166, p.1011-1023, (2004)
Juvenile-adult associations in sea urchins Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and S-droebachiensis: Is nutrition involved?, Nishizaki, M. T., and Ackerman J. D. , Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 2004, Volume 268, p.93-103, (2004)
