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Ancestral Sleep,
, Current Biology, 01/2016, Volume 26, Issue 7, p.R271 - R272, (2016)
Rare species and aliens: Reconsidering non-native plants in the management of natural areas,
, Restoration Ecology, (2016)
Circadian rhythms in floral scent emission,
, Frontiers in Plant Science, (2016)
Applied Science (contributed blurb about applying ecology skills to canoeing),
, Science, Volume 354, Issue 6308, p.46, (2016)
Go big or go fish: morphological specializations in carnivorous bats,
, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 05/2016, Volume 283, Issue 1830, p.20160615, (2016)
Head regeneration in hemichordates is not a strict recapitulation of development,
, Developmental Dynamics, Jan-12-2016, Volume 245, Issue 12, p.1159 - 1175, (2016)
Toxins go viral: phage-encoded lysis releases group B colicins,
, Environmental Microbiology, 01/2016, Volume 18, Issue 5, p.1308 - 1311, (2016)
As above, so below: Auxin's role in lateral organ development,
, Developmental Biology, 01/2016, Volume 419, Issue 1, p.156 - 164, (2016)
Precocity in a tiny titanosaur from the Cretaceous of Madagascar,
, Science, 04/2016, Volume 352, Issue 6284, p.450-453, (2016)
Resolutions of Respect: Robert Treat Paine III, 1933–2016,
, The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, Volume October, p.359-363, (2016)
How Extreme Temperatures Impact Organisms and the Evolution of their Thermal Tolerance,
, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 07/2016, Volume 56, Issue 1, p.98 - 109, (2016)
50 years of Arabidopsis research: highlights and future directions,
, New Phytologist, Jan-02-2016, Volume 209, Issue 3, p.921 - 944, (2016)
Genealogical correspondence of a forebrain centre implies an executive brain in the protostome–deuterostome bilaterian ancestor,
, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, May-01-2016, Volume 3711, Issue 1685, p.20150055, (2016)
Islands in the stream: kelp detritus as faunal magnets,
, Marine Biology, Jan-01-2016, Volume 163, Issue 1, (2016)
Relative Rates of Surface and Volume Synthesis Set Bacterial Cell Size,
, Cell, Volume 165, Issue 6, p.1479 - 1492, (2016)
The evolution of cooperation by the Hankshaw effect.,
, Evolution, 06/2016, Volume 70, Issue 6, (2016)
ANISEED 2015: a digital framework for the comparative developmental biology of ascidians.,
, Nucleic acids research, 2016 Jan 4, Volume 44, Issue D1, p.D808-18, (2016)
Long-term effects of prairie restoration on plant community structure and native population dynamics,
, Restoration Ecology, (2016)