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Fields of interest
Hairy transcriptional repression targets and cofactor recruitment in Drosophila, Bianchi-Frias, D., Orian A., Delrow J. J., Vazquez J., Rosales-Nieves A. E., and Parkhurst S. M. , PLoS Biol, 2004, Volume 2, Issue 7, p.E178, (2004)
Toward a comprehensive genetic analysis of male fertility in Drosophila melanogaster., Wakimoto, Barbara T., Lindsley Dan L., and Herrera Cheryl , 2004, Volume 167, Issue 1, p. - -216, (2004)
Interdependency of brassinosteroid and auxin signaling in Arabidopsis, Nemhauser, J. L., Mockler T. C., and Chory J. , PLoS Biol, 2004, Volume 2, Issue 9, p.E258, (2004)
The genetic architecture of parallel armor plate reduction in threespine sticklebacks, Colosimo, Pamela F., Peichel Catherine L., Nereng Kirsten, Blackman Benjamin K., Shapiro Michael D., Schluter Dolph, and Kingsley David M. , PLoS Biology, 2004 May, Volume 2, Issue 5, p.E109, (2004)
Parallels between tissue repair and embryo morphogenesis, Martin, P., and Parkhurst S. M. , Development, 2004, Volume 131, Issue 13, p.3021-34, (2004)
Patterns of Gene Duplication and Functional Evolution During the Diversification of the AGAMOUS subfamily of MADS Box Genes in Angiosperms, Kramer, E. M., Jaramillo M. A., and Di Stilio Veronica* , Genetics, 2004, Volume 166, p.1011-1023, (2004)
Juvenile-adult associations in sea urchins Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and S-droebachiensis: Is nutrition involved?, Nishizaki, M. T., and Ackerman J. D. , Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 2004, Volume 268, p.93-103, (2004)
Evidence for complex, collective dynamics and emergent, distributed computation in plants, Peak, D., West J. D., Messinger S. M., and Mott K. A. , 2004, Volume 101, Issue 4, p.National Acad Sciences, (2004)
Genetic and developmental basis of evolutionary pelvic reduction in threespine sticklebacks, Shapiro, Michael D., Marks Melissa E., Peichel Catherine L., Blackman Benjamin K., Nereng Kirsten S., Jónsson Bjarni, Schluter Dolph, and Kingsley David M. , Nature, 2004 Apr 15, Volume 428, Issue 6984, p.717-23, (2004)
Ingestion and assimilation of nitrogen from benthic sediments by three species of coral, Mills, M. M., and Sebens K. P. , Marine Biology, 2004, Volume 145, Issue 6, p.1097-1106, (2004)
Coelacanth genome sequence reveals the evolutionary history of vertebrate genes, Noonan, J. P., Grimwood J., Danke J., Schmutz J., Dickson M., Amemiya C. T., and Myers R. M. , Genome Res, 2004/12//, Volume 14, Issue 12, p.2397 - 2405, (2004)
BRing it on: new insights into the mechanism of brassinosteroid action, Nemhauser, J. L., and Chory J. , J Exp Bot, 2004, Volume 55, Issue 395, p.265-70, (2004)
Community-wide character displacement in barnacles: a new perspective for past observations, Marchinko, K. B., Nishizaki M. T., and Burns K. C. , Ecology Letters, 2004, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.114-120, (2004)
Hairpin-bisulfite PCR: Assessing epigenetic methylation patterns on complementary strands of individual DNA molecules, Laird, C. D., Pleasant N. D., Clark A. D., Sneeden J. L., Hassan K. M. A., Manley N. C., Vary J. C., Morgan T., Hansen R. S., and Stoger R. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2004, Volume 101, Issue 1, p.204-209, (2004)
The master sex-determination locus in threespine sticklebacks is on a nascent Y chromosome, Peichel, Catherine L., Ross Joseph A., Matson Clinton K., Dickson Mark, Grimwood Jane, Schmutz Jeremy, Myers Richard M., Mori Seiichi, Schluter Dolph, and Kingsley David M. , Current Biology, 2004 Aug 24, Volume 14, Issue 16, p.1416-24, (2004)
Particulate matter ingestion and associated nitrogen uptake by four species of scleractinian corals, Mills, M. M., Lipschultz F., and Sebens K. P. , Coral Reefs, 2004, Volume 23, Issue 3, p.311-323, (2004)
Biodiversity conservation: effects of changes in climate and land use., Buckley, Lauren B., and Roughgarden Joan , Nature, 2004 Jul 1, Volume 430, Issue 6995, p.2 p following 33; discussion following 33, (2004)
Notes from the field: how a molecular geneticist got wet, Peichel, Catherine L. , Genesis, 2004 Nov, Volume 40, Issue 3, p.146-50, (2004)
