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Fields of interest
Cenozoic paleobotany of the John Day Basin, central Oregon, Dillhoff, R. M., Dillhoff T. A., Dunn R. E., Myers J. A., and Strömberg C. A. E. , Volcanoes to Vineyards: Geologic Field Trips through the Dynamic Landscape of the Pacific Northwest, 2009, p.135–164, (2009)
Deformation of nasal septal cartilage during mastication, Al Dayeh, A. A., Rafferty K. L., Egbert M., and Herring S. W. , Journal of Morphology, 2009, Volume 270, p.1209-1218, (2009)
High-throughput ethomics in large groups of Drosophila, Branson, K., Robie A. A., Bender J., Perona P., and Dickinson M. H. , Nature Methods, 2009, Volume 6, Issue 6, p.451-U77, (2009)
Steroids are required for epidermal cell fate establishment in Arabidopsis roots, Kuppusamy, K. T., Chen A. Y., and Nemhauser J. L. , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2009, Volume 106, Issue 19, p.8073-6, (2009)
The Effects of Human Presence on Limpet Populations, Fodor, Alexander , Marine Biology, 06/2009, Bodega Bay, (2009)
Threats to the biodiversity. In Spanish, Gómez-Posada, C. , Biodiverse regions: planning tools for regional systems of protected areas, Cali, p.69-82, (2008)
Basic concepts. In Spanish, Gómez-Posada, C., and Kattan G. , Biodiverse regions: planning tools for regional systems of protected areas, Cali, p.19-31, (2008)
A nonprimate model for the fused symphysis: in vivo studies in the pig, Herring, S. W., Rafferty K. L., Liu Z. J., and Sun Z. , Primate Craniofacial Function and Biology, 2008, New York, p.19-37, (2008)
Mechanical influences on suture development and patency, Herring, S. W. , Craniofacial Sutures-Development, Disease and Treatment, 2008, Volume 12, Basel, p.41-56, (2008)
Caspase Inhibitor Infusion Protects an Avian Song Control Circuit from Seasonal-Like Neurodegeneration, Thompson, Christopher K., and Brenowitz Eliot A. , J. Neurosci., 2008, Volume 28, Issue 28, p.7130-7136, (2008)
Symbiosis regulation in a facultatively symbiotic temperate coral, Dimond, J. , Coral Reefs, 2008, Volume 27, Issue 3, p.601-604, (2008)
A screen for genes that function in leg disc regeneration in Drosophila melanogaster, McClure, K. D., and Schubiger G. , Mech Dev, 2008, Volume 125, Issue 1-2, p.67-80 %8 2008 Jan-Feb %! A screen for genes that function in leg disc regeneration in Drosophila melanogaster. %@ 0925-4773, (2008)
Prefoldin 6 is required for normal microtubule dynamics and organization in Arabidopsis., Gu, Ying, Deng Zhiping, Paredez Alexander R., DeBolt Seth, Wang Zhi-Yong, and Somerville Chris , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008 Nov 18, Volume 105, Issue 46, p.18064-9, (2008)
The bHLH protein, MUTE, controls differentiation of stomata and the hydathode pore in Arabidopsis, Pillitteri, L. J., Bogenschutz N. L., and Torii K. U. , Plant Cell Physiol, 2008, Volume 49, Issue 6, p.934-43, (2008)
Divergence of male courtship displays between sympatric forms of anadromous threespine stickleback, Kitano, Jun, Mori Seiichi, and Peichel Catherine L. , Behaviour, Volume 145, p.443-461, (2008)
The dynamic pollen tube cytoskeleton: Live cell studies using actin-binding and microtubule-binding reporter proteins, Cheung, A. Y., Duan Q. H., Costa S. S., de Graaf B. H. J., Di Stilio Veronica*, Feijo J., and Wu H. M. , Molecular Plant, 2008, Volume 1, Issue 4, p.686-702, (2008)
Noradrenergic and GABA B receptor activation differentially modulate inputs to the premotor nucleus RA in zebra finches, Sizemore, M., and Perkel D. J. , J Neurophysiol, 2008, Volume 100, Issue 1, p.8-18, (2008)
Identification of genetic and chemical modulators of zebrafish mechanosensory hair cell death., Owens, Kelly N., Santos Felipe, Roberts Brock, Linbo Tor, Coffin Allison B., Knisely Anna J., Simon Julian A., Rubel Edwin W., and Raible David W. , PLoS genetics, 2008 Feb, Volume 4, Issue 2, p.e1000020, (2008)
Cytokine Storm in a Mouse Model of IgG-mediated Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions, Hod, E., Cadwell C., Liepkalns J., Zimring J., SA Sokol, DA Schirmer, J Jhang, and SL Spitalnik , Blood, Volume 112, Issue 3, (2008)
Bacterial abundance and aerobic microbial activity across natural and oyster aquaculture habitats during summer conditions in a northeastern Pacific estuary, Richardson, N. F., Ruesink J. L., Naeem S., Hacker S. D., Tallis H. M., Dumbauld B. R., and Wisehart L. M. , Hydrobiologia, 2008, Volume 596, p.269-278, (2008)
