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Fields of interest
Berman's Chosen, B., Gretchen S. , Berman's Wolves, Number 2, p.334, (2017)
Plantas acuáticas de la Orinoquia colombiana., Madriñán, Santiago, Rial Anabel, Bedoya Ana M., and Fernández Mateo , Bogotá, p.656, (2017)
Energetics, Particle Capture and Growth Dynamics of Benthic Suspension Feeders, Sebens, Kenneth P., Nishizaki Michael, and Sara' Gianluca , Marine Animal Forests: the Ecology of Benthic Biodiversity Hotspots. Rossi S, Bramanti L, Gori A, Orejas C, Tsounis G , Eds. , New York, p.1-42, (2017)
Evolution of facial musculature, Diogo, Rui, and Santana Sharlene E. , The Science of Facial Expression, Volume 1, p.133-152, (2017)
Restoration of temperate savannas and woodlands, Hanberry, B.B., Kabrick J.M., Dunwiddie P.W., Hartel T., Jain T.B., and Knapp B.O. , Routledge Handbook of Ecological and Environmental Restoration, London, p.142-157, (2017)
Adhesion to the host cell surface is sufficient to mediate Listeria monocytogenes entry into epithelial cells, Ortega, Fabian E., Rengarajan Michelle, Chavez Natalie, Radhakrishnan Prathima, Gloerich Martijn, Bianchini Julie, Siemers Kathleen, Luckett William S., Lauer Peter, W. Nelson James, et al. , Molecular Biology of the Cell, Volume 28, Issue 22, p.2945 - 2957, (2017)
Editorial: A Broader view for Plant EvoDevo: novel approaches for diverse model systems., Di Stilio, Verónica, Melzer Rainer, and Hall Jocelyn , Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, Volume 8, p.61, (2017)
Morphological And Molecular Analyses of an Anatomical Novelty: The Pelvic Fin Filaments of the South American Lungfish, Lima, Sergio Q., Costa Carinne M., Amemiya Chris T., and Schneider Igor , Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, Jan-01-2017, Volume 328337616131129-14731492131210179192142382578288401763474428920153, Issue 1-2, p.97 - 105, (2017)
Competition and facilitation may lead to asymmetric range shift dynamics with climate change, Ettinger, Ailene, and HilleRisLambers Janneke , Global Change Biology, Jan-09-2017, Volume 23, Issue 9, p.3921 - 3933, (2017)
Learning to swim, again: Axon regeneration in fish, Rasmussen, Jeffrey P., and Sagasti Alvaro , Exp Neurol, Jan, Volume 287, p.318-330, (2017)
Do differences in skull morphology and bite performance explain dietary specialization in sea otters?, Campbell, Kristin M., and Santana Sharlene E. , Journal of Mammalogy, Oct-08-2017, Volume 98, Issue 5, p.1408–1416, (2017)
Myosin efflux promotes cell elongation to coordinate chromosome segregation with cell cleavage, Montembault, Emilie, Claverie Marie-Charlotte, Bouit Lou, Landmann Cedric, Jenkins James, Tsankova Anna, Cabernard Clemens, and Royou Anne , Nature Communications, 2017/08/23, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.326, (2017)
Influence of temperature on daily locomotor activity in the crab Uca pugilator, Mat, Audrey M., Dunster Gideon P., Sbragaglia Valerio, Aguzzi Jacopo, and de la Iglesia Horacio O. , PLOS ONE, Feb-04-2019, Volume 12, Issue 4, (2017)
The ICAP Active Learning Framework Predicts the Learning Gains Observed in Intensely Active Classroom Experiences, Wiggins, Benjamin L., Eddy Sarah L., Grunspan Daniel Z., and Crowe Alison J. , AERA Open, 2017/04/01, Volume 3, Issue 2, p.2332858417708567, (2017)
Cytoplasmic Flow and Mixing Due to Deformation of Motile Cells, Koslover, Elena F., Chan Caleb K., and Theriot Julie A. , Biophysical Journal, Volume 113, Issue 9, p.2077 - 2087, (2017)
Establishing and maintaining primary cell cultures derived from the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, Vandepas, Lauren E., Warren Kaitlyn J., Amemiya Chris T., and Browne William E. , The Journal of Experimental Biology, Jan-04-2017, Volume 220, Issue 7, p.1197 - 1201, (2017)
Climate drives phenological reassembly of a mountain wildflower meadow community, Theobald, Elli J., Breckheimer Ian, and HilleRisLambers Janneke , Ecology, Jan-11-2017, Volume 98, Issue 11, p.2799 - 2812, (2017)
Abundance of small mammals in the Atlantic Forest (ASMAF): a data set for analyzing tropical community patterns, Figueiredo, Marcos, Barros Camila, Delciellos Ana, Guerra Edú, Cordeiro-Estrela Pedro, Kajin Maja, Alvarez Martin, Asfora Paulo, Astúa Diego, Bergallo Helena, et al. , Ecology, (2017)
