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Fields of interest
Seasonality in Kgalagadi Lizards: Inferences from Legacy Data, , The American Naturalist, dec, Volume 198, p.759–771, (2021)
Value of models for membrane budding, , Current Opinion in Cell Biology, Volume 71, p.38–45, (2021)
Ephedra as a gymnosperm evo-devo model lineage, , Evolution & Development, 01/2021, p.e12370, (2021)
Misinformation in and about science, , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 118, (2021)
Mammal collections in Brazil: overview and database, , Brazilian Journal of Mammalogy, Volume 90, (2021)
New Social Insect Nests from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Utah, , Geology of the Intermountain West, Volume 7, p.281-299, (2020)
An ontogenetic framework for functional studies in the model fern Ceratopteris richardii, , Developmental Biology, 01/2020, Volume 457, Issue 1, p.20-29, (2020)
The cdc is wrong, , Chronicle of Higher Education, (2020)
Predicting an epidemic trajectory is difficult, , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 117, p.28549–28551, (2020)
Signals without teleology, , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Volume 84, p.101310, (2020)
The biology of Megalolaelaps colossus (Acari: Dermanyssina), , Experimental and Applied Acarology, Volume 80, p.167–181, (2020)
