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UW Biology student Tawni Rodríguez Ng was recently named a 2023 UW Homecoming Scholar. The Homecoming Scholars honors six extraordinary students across the UW whose stories exemplify Husky...Read more
Congratulations to the Rico-Guevara lab members, David Cuban, Amanda Hewes, and Alejo Rico-Guevara, on being featured in Science on their work on hummingbird tongues!
Excerpt from the Science article:
TONGUE...Read more
UW Biology professor Horacio de la Iglesia co-authored a white paper describing the significance of repeated, chronic jet lag on student-athlete health and performance - both in academics...Read more
Biology graduate student Natalia Guayazán Palacios was featured in UW Magazine.
When she encounters a plant—in the lab or the greenhouse—Natalia Guayazán Palacios...Read more
A new paper out of the Rasmussen lab was published in Disease Models & Mechanisms. The study was led by Biology postdoctoral scholar Eric Peterman, with contributions from other...Read more
UW Biology Professor Horacio de la Iglesia was interviewed by KUOW on the Seattle Now podcast on the topic of Daylight Savings Time.
Hopefully you remembered that Daylight Saving...Read more
A pair of papers co-authored by UW Biology Professor Caroline Strömberg and former UW postdoctoral scientist Alice Novello (currently working at Aix-Marseille University in France) was published in Science...Read more
Biology Professor Caroline Strömberg was awarded one of the UW's Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Awards for 2023.
Each year, UW Undergraduate Research Symposium presenters are...Read more
Research by Biology professor emeritus Dick Olmstead, in collaboration with scientists in Spain and Australia, was featured in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew's report titled "State of...Read more
Jim Truman, professor emeritus of Biology, was recently featured in WIRED and The New Yorker for his research on insect metamorphosis and the innovative techniques used to detail...Read more