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Published: 12/27/2023

UW Biology undergraduate student Samantha-Lynn Martinez was featured in a UW Undergraduate Academic Affairs student story on her experience of belonging through the UW Honors Program. Samantha-Lynn...Read more

Published: 12/27/2023

Three UW Biology undergraduate students were recently named 2023-2024 Levinson ScholarsThe Levinson Emerging Scholars (LES) Program is designed to support students who work...Read more

Published: 12/27/2023

A new paper out of the Paredez lab was published in Nature Communications. Authors on the paper include postdoctoral scholar Han-Wei Shih, research scientist Germain Alas, and...Read more

Published: 12/27/2023

UW News has posted a story about the first findings of a new project to understand how a unique group of closely-related bat species evolved wildly different jaws, teeth...Read more

Published: 12/27/2023

Biology Professor Dee Boersma was featured in an article in The New York Times Magazine as one of many scientists watching their life's work disappear as they witness...Read more

Published: 12/27/2023

UW Biology student Tawni Rodríguez Ng was recently named a 2023 UW Homecoming Scholar. The Homecoming Scholars honors six extraordinary students across the UW whose stories exemplify Husky...Read more

Published: 12/27/2023

Congratulations to the Rico-Guevara lab members, David Cuban, Amanda Hewes, and Alejo Rico-Guevara, on being featured in Science on their work on hummingbird tongues! 

Excerpt from the Science article:

TONGUE...Read more

Published: 12/21/2023

A pair of papers co-authored by UW Biology Professor Caroline Strömberg and former UW postdoctoral scientist Alice Novello (currently working at Aix-Marseille University in France) was published in Science...Read more

Published: 12/21/2023

Biology Professor Caroline Strömberg was awarded one of the UW's Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Awards for 2023.

Each year, UW Undergraduate Research Symposium presenters are...Read more

Published: 12/21/2023

Biology graduate student Natalia Guayazán Palacios was featured in UW Magazine

When she encounters a plant—in the lab or the greenhouse—Natalia Guayazán Palacios...Read more
