Julia K. Parrish, Professor of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences and Biology, comments on "Can These Seabirds Adapt Fast Enough to Survive a Melting Arctic?" in Audubon. The article discusses George Divoky's Black Guillemots research on Cooper Island.
“The strength of George’s work has been in his utter tenacity to go back and go back and go back and get those data every year,” says Julia Parrish, a University of Washington ecologist who studies seabirds as monitors of ocean health. She compares him to the carbon-dioxide sensor near the peak of the 13,680-foot-high Hawaiian volcano Mauna Loa that documents the rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide as the infamous Keeling Curve. “That is a long-term dataset collected year in and year out in the same way and in the same place,” she says. “Applying that same technique to biodiversity means that researchers have to be there. The number of people in the world who are willing to do that is vanishingly rare, and George is one of them.”
Read the full article in Audubon.