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Faculty Meeting

Event date:
Tuesday, October 22, 2019 - 15:30 to 17:00
LSB Conference 4
Event Type: 


Faculty Meeting

22 Oct 2019


  1. Approve Minutes
  2. Announcements (Perkel)
  3. UPC update (Crowe)

A. CURE in introductory series

  1. Search Updates
    1. Lecturer Search (Martin-Morris)
    2. Boersma Endowed chair Search (Ruesink)
  2. Faculty Position discussion (grads & postdocs)
    1. Berry Brosi
  3. Graduate & Postdoc Program Committee (Nemhauser)
    1. Updates

Executive Session

  1. Discussion of Faculty position
    1. Berry Brosi
  2. Boersma Search Discussion
  3. DBER search discussion